Akshaya Patra Kitchen Hyderabad. The Telangana president of Akshaya Patra Shri Satya Gaura Chandra Dasa Swami welcomed the two and gave them a tour of the establishment explaining to them how the whole concept including the cooking and the hi-tech kitchen there worked. RO Plant opened at Hyderabad kitchen.
The water will be used in the Hyderabad kitchen processes while. The kitchen has been constructed with the support of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd a member of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group MUFG. 16 lakh to Akshaya Patras Telangana unit.
Akshaya Patras first centralised tribal kitchen in Telangana to serve meals to 30000 children Photo Gallery.
V S Rao - Director BITS Pilani Hyderabad. The Foundation made its foray to Telangana by establishing its first kitchen in Hyderabad in 2008. Headquartered in Bengaluru Karnataka Akshaya Patra wanted to give these advantages of mid-day meal scheme to the children of India. The new extension was inaugurated on 12 August 2015.